You Matter Maison 123 : the 2021 capsule collection

You Matter Maison 123You Matter Maison 123You Matter Maison 123

Today, I decided to share this You Mater capsule collection from Maison 123. On the occasion of March 8 and the fight for women’s rights, the ready-to-wear brand is launching an operation in connection with the Women’s Foundation. I tell you more in the article and I also address issues of feminism, content creation and influence.

You Matter Maison 123 : the 2021 capsule collection

Maison 123 has been involved with the Women’s Foundation for the defense of women’s rights for 3 years now.

For this operation, the brand commits to the following actions:

The ambition of the brand and of this project is to help women to be free and independent through access to training and employment, and the development of their skills. On this occasion, a capsule collection was created, designed and produced by women, for women.

This 100% feminine project was made possible thanks to their historic Indian partner Shashi Aggarwal who produced all the pieces for this capsule. We know that access to employment is a big problem and access to independence concerns all women in the world. This project also makes it possible to enhance its daily commitment: its factory employs 80% women, it offers qualifying training to women to access employment and it allows free access to breast cancer screening care and distributes periodical protection reusable in the slums.

The profits from this capsule are donated to the Women’s Foundation.

This “YOU MATTER” capsule was born from a desire to bring together committed, inspiring women and to bring them together on a common project despite the kilometers that separate them.

This vocation to make things change for all women, to restore their confidence, to make them proud and independent, whatever their origin, their age, their social background.

Because you are important.

Because you matter.

Because you are inspiring.

Because you are changing things.

Because you are unique.


The capsule collection includes 6 pieces :

  • the You Matter t-shirt (in organic cotton)
  • the long Loanne dress
  • the Tiphaine blouse
  • carrot pants
  • the Diane cotton pouch
  • the Daryl cotton bag

féminisme influenceféminisme influenceféminisme influenceféminisme influence

Feminism, content creation & influence

This year, the day of March 8 shocked me enormously. Indeed, there have been an incredible number of sales, marketing operations – I have the impression more than usual or the battle has been more on social medias and not in our mailboxes.

There were competitions, do you want some, for flowers, cosmetics, etc. As if this day were a feast like Mother’s Day or Grandmother’s Day which, by the way, are the sexist and patriarchal traces resulting from the 2nd World War. In any case for Mother’s Day, because it was necessary to repopulate the “homeland”. Today, we are a long way from partying when we are a woman. We are certainly not the most to be pitied in France, but gender-based and sexual violence continues to wreak havoc. Inequalities – in particular wages are still very present (25% less in general between a woman’s salary versus a man’s salary), not without taking into account discrimination in hiring.

March 8 is not a party. It’s a day – but like the other 364 when many of us fight inequality and want to be seen equally and fairly to men.

Communicate on the networks around March 8 and women’s rights : no problem. Using each other’s feminism to do communication, marketing and especially without going through remuneration : it’s OVER. FINISHED.

Because I have a full cup (dare I say a full cup !) That I wanted to make this video and say ALL HIGH what everyone thinks LOW ! I was fed up with the lack of professionalism, the lack of recognition, the lack of respect, the lack of consideration that brands can demonstrate in this professional field – mostly female.

If you too are an influencer, content creator, I invite you to come follow the #balancelamarque. movement.

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