As you can see, I started again to make Youtube videos from the lockdown and I try to offer you content on this platform on a more regular basis. I’m sharing you a video of empties of the summer and I would like to take this opportunity to combine an article on how to recycle cosmetics in order to help you sort your waste.
How to recycle cosmetics ?
Recycling is often a headache because between the number of logos, bins and the instructions that differ depending on the city you are living in…we can get lost. Cosmetics being a separate category, here’s what you need to know.
In the recycling bin, you can put:
- paper notices,
- cardboard packaging,
- aerosols (deodorant, hairspray, dry shampoo, etc.) : check the product components because not all aerosols are eligible.
As for the glass jars, they can be put in the glass bin. However, you can only put in the clean vials where you have been able to remove the cap, pump, etc. On the other hand, the varnish bottles are made of glass but are not designed to be recycled.
The eco-friendly tip ? Sephora has been collecting empty perfume bottles since 2010 for recycling, and is offering a 20% reduction on your next olfactory purchase.
As for the plastic tubes, they are easily recyclable, you just have to empty them, clean them and put them in the special plastic bin. Again, as with glass, those who have a pump do not recycle. Finally, if the pump is removable, it will go in the household garbage and the plastic bottle will go for recycling.
The eco-friendly tip ? More and more brands want to reduce their plastic consumption. Now you can find plant-based plastic made from sugarcane residue. There are brands that offer zero waste with product refills in order to reduce the volume of plastic.
What to do with other materials to be recycled in the bathroom ? Our bathrooms are also equipped with small electronics such as hair dryer, straightener, toothbrush, electric face brush, etc. There are specialized collection points for parts to be sorted and reused. You will find them, for example, at household appliance sellers.
What are cosmetic brands doing for recycling ?
The start-up “Plastics for Change” whose plastic collected in India ensures the manufacture of the brand’s hair range with 15% fair trade plastic and 85% European recycled plastic.
The Body Shop goes further by partnering with Terracycle with the Zero Waste Box operation, by offering beauty addicts the opportunity to drop off 5 empty products at the store for a 5 euros voucher to promote plastic collection. Same operation for L’Occitane, which after 3 products returned to a collection point, offers a -10% discount.
Lush also offers to bring back 5 empty and clean jars (transparent jars, black jars, tubes of mascara), and you will leave with a free fresh mask.
Marionnaud also has boxes for recycling. By bringing your cosmetics there, you will benefit from a 20% reduction on the product or service of your choice and +25 points on your fidelity card for any purchase over € 10.
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