Working out at home : my YouTube selection

Working out at homesport youtube

We had seen it during the first confinement, many organized themselves for working out at home and there was some pressure to do so, etc. Personally, I did not wait for lockdown to play sports at home. Being quite a fan of YouTube, even if I don’t watch a lot of channels, I manage to find quality content that interests me. Many of you have asked me about my working out at home routine and which videos to choose…So here is my experience on the subject.

Working out at home : how and why ?

There can be several benefits of exercising at home :

  • this allows for physical activity during lockdown and this period of teleworking (in our case this year) during which we are much more sedentary than usual,
  • it’s budget friendly : you don’t have to spend too much money to move. Indeed, if you have doubts about your attendance at a gym – you might as well find your personal discipline before spending your money. Apart from a sports outfit, a pair of sneakers and in some cases a mat – the cost is reduced.
  • it’s easy : no need to take your car or public transportation. Turn on your TV or computer, log in to YouTube, and you can start your session.
  • it’s comfortable : in the sense that sometimes we can feel embarrassed by the look of others. The ultimate goal is to live your best life without worrying about what people think but before you get there you can exercise in the comfort of your own home.
  • do good to your body : maintenance of muscle mass, heart, joints, breath…In short, there are many advantages to moving for our daily health.
  • do good to your mind : having a physical activity helps to balance your mind. Indeed, it allows to evacuate and regulate stress, to focus on your body with which we are often disconnected and to move releases lots of good hormones that will have an impact on our mood and our well-being. We need it so much with these times when we are continually energized.
  • improves sleep : regular physical activity helps you sleep better!
  • take time for yourself : let’s be a little selfish (for me, it’s absolutely not a fault in that sense) and take care of ourselves. We have the right and even we deserve it!

In short, there are only advantages  of working out – even at home. So, yes, if you have kids or a family at home, you may feel like you can’t break free…Here are some tips :

  • identify the moment in the day when you can devote this time,
  • block the time slot in your schedule/diary,
  • warn those around you not to disturb you (or else, involve your children)
  • put your electronic devices (computer, mobile phone) in silent and/or airplane mode to really have this time for you,
  • always have an outfit ready (just to make the story easier !).

And then, sometimes, we also need a little kick in the butt…Sometimes, we don’t want to. But like everything in life, it takes effort and investment. You should know that it takes at least 30 repetitions for the brain to integrate a new habit so it is not in three days that you will acquire a new working out reflex. Give yourself the time and the means to achieve it.

sport youtube

Best YouTube Workout Videos

There are plenty of sports and fitness videos on YouTube. How to choose one ? Difficult to navigate on this platform because you have everything available in all languages. Personally, the majority of the videos I watch are foreign (mostly in English). Generally, it is via bloggers or YouTubers that I am following that I discovered these channels.

However, here are several elements to choose the right YouTube sports videos :

  • the qualification and experience of the sports coach : I think it is important to select channels where you have really trained people. Not everyone can call themselves a sports coach – even digitally.
  • the personality of the coach : that matters a lot. There are some personalities to whom we will be more sensitive than others. Personally, in those that I like, there is always energy, smiles, encouragement (mindset) and kindness.
  • the type of sports content you want : many disciplines are shared on YouTube, the choice is yours !
  • the time you have : you can both do sessions of ten minutes up to almost 1 hour ! You can also make your own little program by linking several short videos.

Zumba YouTube Videos

There are two chains that I discovered during the first lockdown that I really liked :


  • Fitseveneleven : of German origin, this channel combines videos from several of their coaches. The ones I did are dance and more specifically zumba with a teacher called Tanju – who shortly after launched her own Urrbanize channel. No need to speak German to understand these videos, just follow the movement (no verbal explanations, everything is non-verbal as a result). Tanju also owns sessions through Zoom (8€ per class). If you are interested, do not hesitate to follow him on Instagram. And this coach is very sexy, mega bonus !
  • PopSugar Fitness : with the coach Nicole Steen who is hyper dynamic and benevolent. The videos went well with a “low impact” alternative (lower intensity for beginners or people with pain) offered.

YouTube Fitness / Muscle Building Videos

I am loyal to one channel mainly :

  • Lucy Wyndham Read : a British coach – former military !, who pushed the concept of HIT workout. These are very short but very intense physical activity sessions to be done very regularly, even every day. Lucy is very encouraging in her videos and she almost always offers “low impact” alternatives.

Yoga YouTube Videos

Again, I have one channel to share with you. I discovered it in 2016 and although in the last few months I haven’t done one regularly, I find it to be the best channel (of course, this is my personal opinion) :

  • Yoga with Adriene : Adriene has shared her yoga practice with kindness and humor for many years. There is a lot of sweetness in her videos, especially since she always makes sure to offer alternatives. It reassures you in your practice on the notion of effort and pain. Adriene has also been known for doing 30-day projects at the start of each new year for several years.

I leave this list open and if I come across channels that I like as much as these, I will add them to my selection ! Do not hesitate to share your essentials in the comments.

Other health/wellness posts :

Working out at home


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